Porter County intends to proceed with a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) funded project involving the extension of Willowcreek Road, from US 30 to CR 700 N, in west-central Porter County, Indiana. The proposed project is located within the Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission (NIRPC) planning area. Preliminary corridor studies have identified an approximate 2.5-mile-wide corridor generally bounded by CR 750 W to the west and CR 475 W to the east and their respective intersections with US 30 to establish roadway alignment alternatives for the project. After a year and a half of analysis, evaluation, and information derived from federal, state, and local agencies, Alignment A-1 was recommended as the preferred alignment. The proposed roadway would have a design speed of 55 miles per hour and would have a typical roadway section of two 12-foot-wide travel lanes (one northbound and one southbound) with 10-foot-wide paved shoulders. A 10-foot-wide multi-use path would be incorporated along the project corridor. A combination of open shoulder, curb and gutter, enclosed storm sewer, and roadside ditches are proposed. Additionally, the roadway would be developed with a 100-foot-wide dedicated right-of-way as well as a 10-foot wide dedicated utility easement. It is anticipated that work to complete the project would require the acquisition of new permanent and temporary right-of-way and potential relocations. The roadway would mainly be constructed along new alignment and would incorporate reconstructed county roads where feasible, depending on the recommended alternative.
​The recommended alignment, Alignment A-1, will begin at US 30, approximately 0.38 mile east of CR 725 W, continue north for approximately 1.45 miles before curving slightly northeast and continuing for approximately 0.85 mile where it will align with Jones Road. The alignment will continue along the current Jones Road alignment crossing over the Chicago, Fort Wayne and Eastern Railroad line and Norfolk Southern Railroad tracks. The roadway then curves slightly east, away from the Jones Road alignment, and continues north until tying into the existing intersection of Willowcreek Road and CR 700 N.
Thank you for your interest in the Willowcreek Road Extension project. We look forward to meeting with you later this year.
April 2024
The Public Hearing will occur after completion of the environmental analysis of the project to give the public an opportunity to provide feedback and comments. It is anticipated that the public hearing will be held later in 2024. Prior to the public hearing, a legal notice discussing the date, time, and location will be advertised in the Northwest Indiana Times. Additionally, the legal notice will be distributed to property owners within and adjacent to the proposed project area and posted on this website.
The project received a Section 106 “Adverse Effect” finding for archaeological sites, and a “No Adverse Effect” finding on above ground resources on April 22, 2024 from FHWA. The Public Notice discussing the findings in more detail can be found in the link below on this website and has been advertised in the Northwest Indiana Times newspaper.
November 2022
The Willowcreek Road Project held a second public information meeting on November 15, 2022. The purpose of the public information meeting was to offer all interested persons an opportunity to review and comment on the project. The public was also afforded the opportunity to provide comments on the information presented at the meeting. The format of the meeting featured a formal short presentation and an informal open house session immediately following the presentation. The open house session provided the public an opportunity to view project maps, displays, and to interact with the project team. Additionally, the meeting presentation and exhibits were posted on the project website and comments could also be submitted through the website. During the meeting preferred alignment A-1 was discussed in further detail, and the updated project schedule was discussed.
February 2022
On February 11, 2022 a newsletter was mailed to the surrounding public, local land owners, resource agencies, and posted on the project website. The newsletter included a discussion of the selected preferred alignment (Alignment A-1), a matrix showing the alternative screening criteria, and a brief overview of the environmental process moving forward.
March 2021
A Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting was held on March 18, 2021 to assist Porter County and INDOT with the project development. CAC Meeting invitations were sent out to local landowners, business leaders, local stakeholders, Chamber of Commerce, Homeowner’s Associations, Township trustees, and emergency services on February 26, 2021. In attendance at the CAC Meeting were FHWA, Union Township representatives, Portage Township representatives, City of Portage representatives, Porter County representatives, local landowners, and the project team. Advisory Groups/Community Liaisons were asked to assist in the development of the Willowcreek Road extension, provide information about the surrounding community, and provide opinions regarding the project. During the meeting the project history, project goals and need, and the six alternative alignments were discussed.
September 2020
The Willowcreek Road Project held a public information meeting on September 30, 2020. The purpose of the public information meeting was to offer all interested persons an opportunity to review and comment on the project. The meeting took place in an open house format with 40 minute signup periods to allow the project development team 6 foot social distancing. Representatives from the project team were spaced appropriately around the room at individual tables, and exhibits were provided at safe spacing and in duplicate. A brief presentation was made available for viewing to all who attended. All sessions provided the same information. Additionally, a Virtual Open House was available to view the meeting presentation, exhibits, and provide comments on the proposed project. The Virtual Open House was available for access at the project website. During this meeting the six alternative alignments being considered for the extension of Willowcreek Road were discussed. Additionally, the project team discussed how the alternatives would be screened to identify a preferred alternative, the NEPA process, and the environmental documentation.
April 29, 2024 Public Information Meeting
Section 106 Finding Public Notice
January 30, 2023 Public Information Meeting
November 15, 2022 Public Information Meeting
Press Release for 11/15/2022 Public Meeting (English)
Press Release for 11/15/2022 Public Meeting (Spanish)
Recommended Alignment (A-1) – Conceptual Simulation
February 11, 2022 Preferred Alignment Announcement
Willowcreek Road Preferred Alignment Newsletter
September 30, 2020 Public Meeting
Press Release for 9/30/2020 Public Meeting (English)
Press Release for 9/30/2020 Public Meeting (Spanish)
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